File export

Bob Allen boballen2 at
Tue Jan 2 08:16:34 EST 2007

I don't know if this is a good idea or not but it seems to have worked for

FIRST back up your data file!!!

mine is called acme

cp acme new_acme.gz              you need the .gz to unzip the file

Then gunzip new_acme

Then using your favorite editor find the first line starting
and the find the last line starting   </gnc:transaction....

and delete everything in between including those lines.

In vi I did...

(control) g                          and note the line number at the bottom
of the screen e.g. 823
(shift) g                              to get to the last line
?</gnc:transaction             Searches backwards
(control) g                          and note the line number at the bottom
e.g. 128458
:823,128458d                     to delete lines 823 - 128458
:wq                                   write and quit

gzip new_acme
mv new_acme.gz new_acme

As I said it seams to have worked for me but I haven't tested everything
yet. Maybe there is something in the middle that also got deleted. A better
way would be to do this in perl but I'm not familiar enough with perl.

HTH Bob.

On 12/7/06, Ron Morse <rbmorse at> wrote:
> Using Gnucash 2.0.2 on Kubuntu 6.10.
> The end-of-year thread got me thinking bout my own needs for
> the end of the year and I decided to do some "practice"
> runs and try various alternatives before I had to commit to
> one particular strategy.
> When I try to export my accounts using
> file > export > export accounts
> from the main menu I get the dialog asking for a file
> name/location...I enter a name that is different from the
> existing data file, select a different directory and click
> on "export" and...nothing happens.  The dialog disappears
> and it is as if I never requested the action in the first
> place.
> User error, no doubt, but what am I doing wrong?
> Ron Morse
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