Upgrade Question

David T. sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 19:06:14 EST 2007

I just upgraded GC2.0.1 to 2.0.4 on my IntelMac (OS X 10.4.8) and ran into a
few troubles I'd like to share. Actually, it was more of a new install than an
upgrade, since I had such a tough time getting GC to install in the first
place. I figured I would try using MacPorts, following Derek's suggestion that
"sudo port install gnucash" would ultimately get GC2.0.4 installed. However,
this kept crashing out on qt3 with the error:

--->  Building qt3 with target all
Error: Target com.apple.build returned: shell command "cd
&& ./CompileScript.sh" returned error 101

I could not get around this, so I tried using fink, where "sudo fink install
gnucash2" yielded similar errors. (I did have to run the command several times
to get down to this stopping point, as it appeared that fink was installing
items out of order--is there some way to fix that, and would it be a fink thing
or a gnucash installation setup thing?) Ultimately, I used FinkCommander to
install qt3-3.3.5-1023 from binary rather than qt3-3..7-1022 from source, and
after that, 2.0.4 installed and is running just fine.

I don't quite understand what was going wrong there, but I felt I'd at least
share my experience with the community. It sure was a heck of a lot easier than
the first go 'round.


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