global find/replace after QIF import

hendrik at hendrik at
Tue Jan 16 16:22:50 EST 2007

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 01:45:51PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> "James A. de Haseth" <jdehaseth at> writes:
> > Derek,
> >
> > Many thanks for the rapid reply.  This won't solve everything, but it's
> > a great start.  Problems arise as the old system was not double-entry
> > and one simply specified interest in every checking account, or a
> > finance charge in every credit card account, etc.  There is no
> > distinction between accounts and simply unspecified transactions are
> > labeled "interest."  There's no way to tell which account they came from
> > and there may be six or seven such lines.  I guess I have to punt and
> > rename the individual interest accounts after the fact.  That's actually
> > not a real problem.
> You're welcome.  I'm glad it helped.  As for the "lack of double entry"
> I'll point out that Quicken isn't double-entry, either.  But the QIF
> importer does let you map a description/memo/payee to a GnuCash account.

I'd *really* like these (description/mamo/payee)s to be mapped to 
different GnuCash accounts depending on which account(s) they are paid 
from.  That was it is possible to distinguish, say, Visa interest from 
Mastercard interest.

-- hendrik

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