Function to override Quick-Fill ?

Mark Johnson mrj001 at
Wed Jan 17 18:05:48 EST 2007

Once it auto-completes, you can right-click.  Choose Delete Transaction 
from the context menu to remove a single split.

Or you can choose to remove all splits and start with a blank 
transaction.  This is what I do when the same situation comes up.


Tommy Trussell wrote:

>I've been using gnucash off and on for awhile, but starting this
>calendar year I'm seriously moving all my ongoing bookkeeping to it.
>(I've been using Quicken since 1994, and I swore I would not suffer
>yet another EOL-forced upgrade.)
>One thing that has been slowing me down is that I cannot find a
>function to override the Quick-Fill feature. I believe in Mac Quicken
>it is command-tab.
>Here's the scenario: I sometimes buy stuff at a "SuperCenter," where
>they have groceries in addition to hardware, appliances, clothing,
>gasoline, etc. So each time I buy stuff there I usually enter a split
>transaction with different accounts (aka Quicken categories --
>groceries... home; whatever). In
>Quicken I would start typing "Wal" and the previous split transaction
>gets filled in, but before I leave the name field I command-tab to the
>amount field, and a new empty un-split transaction gets created, and I
>can easily create a new set of splits as needed without having to
>delete the old splits and mess with the totals.
>I have not found a Quick-Split override keystroke in the documentation
>nor in a web search, though I could easily have missed it.
>I can imagine a couple of ways I can work around this, but I first
>wanted to ask on the users list in case I'm missing a simple
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