Entry of split transactions

Graeme Nichols gnichols at tpg.com.au
Wed Jan 17 19:51:18 EST 2007

Mark Johnson wrote:
> Alan Su wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I installed and started using gnucash (v. 2.0.4) on my OS X machine
>>via darwinports.  it looks like a pretty reasonable alternative to
>>quicken.  I have encountered one quirk in creating a split
>>transaction.  if i do the following:
>>- create a transaction and click the Split button to get a split transaction
>>- enter the description on the summary line
>>- enter a debit value on the first split line; hitting Tab twice
>>automatically creates a second split line populated with the
>>appropriate credit value
>>- hit Tab a couple times, select an account for the credit, tab to
>>the amount and reduce it by some amount (in anticipation of a third
>>split account)
>>at this point, if i hit Tab, the third line is properly created with
>>the remaining credit value to be assigned, but my cursor ends up in
>>the date field of the main transaction line, whereas i would expect
>>focus to move to the newly created split line.  could it have
>>something to do with my environment (just running in an unmanaged X
>>session), or is this the expected behavior?
> It's a known bug.  Been around since at least 2.0.0.
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347474
> Mark

Thanks Mark,

I went from 1.8.10 to 2.0.4 which explains why I haven't experienced it 


Kind regards,

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