GNUCASH help requested from Dutch user (if any)

Theo van Riet Paap theo at
Mon Jul 16 12:44:11 EDT 2007

On Monday 16 July 2007 00:20:50 Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting Theo van Riet Paap <theo at>:
> > Gnucash 2.0.5 / Kubuntu Feisty/ SME
> > Still in phase of trial and error. I´mḿ really desperate!
> > I´m currently fighting with taxes. (Dutch BTW) and invoices.
> > GNUCash calculates roughly twice the normal BTW value.
> > Would appreciate some face to face help. I am not aware of Dutch users;
> > but if one is able and willing to push me in the right direction
> > please let me know.
> > TheovRP
> It would help if you gave more details about what you entered, what
> gnucash says, and what you were expecting..  The vague "I have a problem"
> above isn't something that anyone can help you with without asking for
> more information.
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

Hi Derek,
Please find my detailed reply. 
Until now I have only elaborated customer/invoice/tax/debiteuren situations.
Probably vendor/bill/tax/crediteuren elaborations might bring same confusion.
Thanks for any help.

File/ properties > taxtables
	custoner standard > none
	vendor standard > none
Edit / tax options  (? if relevant for US tax only; why not invisible for 
	not set
	in the left square  radiobuttons for income or expenses visible/ all other 
info has been greyed
Business/ taxtable
	in left window is visible > BTW
	in right window is visible > income: projects and income: sales and 19% each 

	**banks		type assets
	**debiteuren 		type a/to receive
	**creditcard		type creditcard
	**crediteuren		type a/to pay
	**projects		type income
	**sales			type income
	**car			type expense
	**etc.	etc.		type expense
	**paid to authorities 	type activa
	**tax to received	type a/ to receive
	**tax to pay		type a/ to pay
	** etc. etc.		type equity

1- registration of new customer
2- preparation of new invoice
3- booking of the invoice
4- booking of payment via bank

What I expect:
> bullet 2: a perfect split of the amount in sub total and in BTW (for BTW 
included yes/no) 
> bullet 3: booking of subtotal in account income/sales and BTW in account 
Tax/a to pay (both credit) and the summed amount in account debiteuren 
(assets/a to receive)
>bullet 4: a debet booking in one of the bank accounts and a credit booking in 
the debiteuren account.

What happens
The first problem is that in bullet 2 already twice the expected amount is 
showing up
The second problem is that in bullet 3 the two creditbookings are bothin the 
income:sales account (not in one of the tax accounts). The debet booking is 
in debiteuren where it should be.

Let me explain in more detail
* bullet 1:
Go Business/ new customer
Entry name customer eg. XYZ
In account tab >> entry eg. ´incl tax NO´
		>>and taxtable – BTW (and checked)
My understanding is that with the last checking previous settings will be 

* bullet 2:
Go Business / New invoice (brings me to a register-like screen)
Row is  completed with eg income account ´income: sales´ and amounts and 
values (eg 1x 100 Euro)
This results in same row are (with taxrelated = yes):
tax  included  		sub total = 172,46 and tax = 27,54
tax not included	sub total = 100,00 and tax = 38 (instead of 19)
Same with taxrelated = no gives 100 and 0 .

* bullet 3:
In this example I continued with the 100 plus 38 case.
In the completed screen (see bullet 2) Go  Book. 
A new popup window ask for confirmation and for ook to account. There I have 
following options namely:   ´debiteuren´ and ´tax á/to receive)
I choose for debiteuren.
Checkbox ´join bookings´ unchecked

This booking results in:
account debiteuren	
debiteuren		138
sales				100
project				  19
sales				  19

account income:projects
debiteuren		138
sales				100
project				  19
sales				  19

account income:sales
debiteuren		138
sales				100
project				  19
sales				  19

Question 1: where origins the 19 under project????
Question 2: where is a booking in a tax account???

bullet 4
This part will be investigated after that previous issues have been solved.


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