Next questions

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri Jul 20 20:44:18 EDT 2007

OK, I've got the balance sheet entries for the start of the year 
entered. And have learned how to get the subtotaling I want. But in the 
process, have a few basic "I must be being blind" sort of questions.

1) Preferences, the setting of same.
    The help is useful describing the various preference settings, but 
as soon as I tried to alter the "autosave" time period ran into a snag. 
All these menus have a "close" button at the bottom but I can't find any 
"apply" or "save" button. How DO you get your preference changes to 
"take"? So far I have tried lots of things, none that worked. Like I 
said, that help section tells what you can change but doesn't tell you 
how to SAVE a change.

2) Weird, nothing like it in the tutorial pictures
    I must have done something, because now to the right of the 
"accounts" button on the third toolbar is a button "multicolumn view" 
followed by what looks like buttons for the history of everything I 
touched since. HELP. It's insane having to work my way all the way to 
the left each time ("accounts" is of course used frequently). I can 
understand it might be convenient to make "favorite" (frequently 
visited) items stick, but everything? Far too many to be useful on a 
bar. What have I done wrong and how do I get back to "normal behavior"? 
(I am assuming that this isn't normal because as I said, none of the 
"shots" in the tutorial show the bar looking anything like this).

Fun, yes? I can't make the changes I want to stick to stick and I'm 
stuck with some change I accidentally made that I can't get rid of.


PS -- enough for tonight. Tomorrow I'll proceed entering all the 
transactions from the start of the year to the present.

There is no possibility of social justice on a dead planet except the equality of the grave.

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