Next questions (fuller information)

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Mon Jul 23 08:42:57 EDT 2007

Trying again for ideas. I know I may being impatient, but does anybody 
have a clue what I may have done wrong* that is preventing me from being 
able to save any "setting" sort of stuff. This isn't preventing me from 
continuing the evaluation (which is otherwise going well) but its a 
major annoyance.


* Yes, almost certainly has to something that I have done wrong (or we'd 
be seeing here zillions of complaints). More important than identifying 
what I might have done wrong, how to fix it. If there is some place in 
the "app data" I should be examining let me know that (I don't know in 
what file this information would be stored)

>>Just close the dialog.  The changes take effect either when you activate the
>>control or close the dialog.
>No dice.
>Since I am seeing a pattern here, let me begin again giving fuller 
>information (in case a "permissions" issue)
>I am running under MS XP Home.
>GnuCash 2.2.0 was installed while logged in as "administrator" (naturally)
>GnuCash is being used while logged in as ordinary user (naturally)
>    (the above three are part of my evaluation scheme -- there's no 
>point to my evaluating under Linux as were that a requirement I couldn't 
>recommend adopting GnuCash)
>In case it makes any difference, the file (of account data) is in a 
>directory which is a subdirectory containing all data of the 
>organization whose books these are. I have seen that GnuCash appears 
>smart enough to place the backup and log and lock files into the same 
>directory where the account file lives. But I don't know where the 
>file(s) which store the data that controls the app behavior lives.
>OK -- before we even get the the changing preferences problem. I may be 
>having a problem saving ANYTHING (except account data). So let me 
>describe the first "problem" I see.
>I open the app. The "welcome to gnucash" window appears. Gives me the 
>choices to create new accounts, import, or enter tutorial --- or to 
>"cancel". I cancel and this brings up a little window which says that I 
>can choose not to see the "welcome" any more. So I select "yes" and I 
>get right to opening the app (and can open the file that is the 
>account). BUT -- the next time GnuCash opens, the "welcome" window is 
>there. In other words, change didn't take.
>I have a feeling that this behavior is not unrelated to the fact that I 
>can't seem to save preferences. I should perhaps have been more explicit 
>in describing my problem with changing preferences. I did of course TRY 
>"close" (as well as things like click elsewhere, then close, etc.).

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