Next questions (fuller information)

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sat Jul 21 21:05:06 EDT 2007

Josh Sled

>Just close the dialog.  The changes take effect either when you activate the
>control or close the dialog.
No dice.

Since I am seeing a pattern here, let me begin again giving fuller 
information (in case a "permissions" issue)

I am running under MS XP Home.
GnuCash 2.2.0 was installed while logged in as "administrator" (naturally)
GnuCash is being used while logged in as ordinary user (naturally)
    (the above three are part of my evaluation scheme -- there's no 
point to my evaluating under Linux as were that a requirement I couldn't 
recommend adopting GnuCash)

In case it makes any difference, the file (of account data) is in a 
directory which is a subdirectory containing all data of the 
organization whose books these are. I have seen that GnuCash appears 
smart enough to place the backup and log and lock files into the same 
directory where the account file lives. But I don't know where the 
file(s) which store the data that controls the app behavior lives.

OK -- before we even get the the changing preferences problem. I may be 
having a problem saving ANYTHING (except account data). So let me 
describe the first "problem" I see.

I open the app. The "welcome to gnucash" window appears. Gives me the 
choices to create new accounts, import, or enter tutorial --- or to 
"cancel". I cancel and this brings up a little window which says that I 
can choose not to see the "welcome" any more. So I select "yes" and I 
get right to opening the app (and can open the file that is the 
account). BUT -- the next time GnuCash opens, the "welcome" window is 
there. In other words, change didn't take.

I have a feeling that this behavior is not unrelated to the fact that I 
can't seem to save preferences. I should perhaps have been more explicit 
in describing my problem with changing preferences. I did of course TRY 
"close" (as well as things like click elsewhere, then close, etc.).


PS: Thanks for the help getting rid of those open tabs.

PSS: I have successfully entered a parallel of the organizational books 
through 1st quarter 2007 and produced the quarter end balance sheet and 
income/expense statement (P&L for those in profit making businesses). 
Quite successful, especially since it showed up a "date" error when I 
had done this by hand back on April 8th (I included an item that was 
after quarter --- note that the fact that GnuCash automatically reorders 
entries by date is a godsend to me. The people reporting transactions to 
me are terrible about doing so in a timely fashion (if at all -- 
sometimes I have to email them about an item in the bank statement or 
credit card that they forgot to tell me about)

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