Trial balance report out of balance

Andrew Sackville-West ajswest at
Tue Jul 24 15:38:42 EDT 2007

On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 11:58:02AM -0700, Tom Roeschen wrote:
> > I am using GnuCash version 2.0.5 on SUSE 10.2.  My trial balance for the
> > month of January is in balance. When I print it for the month of February
> > it
> > is out of balance.  What steps should I take to find out why this is
> > happening?
> Binary-search the month of Feb to find the day when it goes out of
> balance and then look for transactions on that day (+/- 1 day).  most
> likely it's a change-of-commodity (e.g. a sale of stock) without the
> corresponding gain/loss.
> How do I perform a binary search?

divide the month in half and determine which half is
out-of-balance. repeat for each sub-half until you've found the

eg. trial-balance feb 15 vs feb 28. then, if the imbalance occurs in
the first half, trial balance feb 7, still there? trial balance feb 4
etc etc until you find it.

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