Is GnuCash Windows ready for a non-programmer? Will it be eventually?

John Roberts textpxy at
Sat Mar 3 16:00:28 EST 2007


I'm interested in using GnuCash on Windows, but I'm not someone who is going 
to be digging through the code fixing problems.  My general question is 
whether GnuCash on Windows is at a stage yet where it's worth considering as 
an end user, and whether normal users at this point would be helpful to the 
project or a distraction.

For example:
-- Are the core features stable enough that it's reasonably usableon a 
day-to-day basis?  I don't mind using under-development software which 
crashes occaionally (so long as my data isn't getting corrupted) or where 
non-core features are a bit flaky.  At the same time I don't want to have to 
re-enter all my checking account or investment transactions every week.  
(I'm intending to use this as a replacement for a Quicken -- which has 
worked fine except that I don't like Intuit's "sunset" policies and I want 
to support free software.)
-- Will my using the program be helpful to the GnuCash effort?  For example, 
if I find bugs, is there any nice way to report them that won't either 
require me to dig through the code or upload all my financial data?

In general, is GnuCash headed in a direction where it'll be a viable 
alternative for the masses of us who run Quicken/Money on Windows?  My sense 
from lurking here a bit is that it's a well-loved niche project, that has 
the potential to massive expand its user base by allowing Windows users to 
come over...

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