gnucash not printing on 6.2 - Solved

rloefgren at rloefgren at
Mon Mar 5 22:17:47 EST 2007


The 'problem' of gnucash not printing on a BSD system has been solved. I 
noticed in the console output messages that /usr/local/bin/lpr was 
refusing connections. Puzzling not just because it was refusing 
connections but because lpr is part of FreeBSD's base system and therefore 
should not have been in /usr/local/bin. Surprise surprise, there were two 
lpr's; one in /usr/local/bin (which did refuse connections when I called 
it to print some output), and another in /usr/bin which is the lpr used by 
all my other correctly printing apps (so they printed fine.)

I renamed the refusnik and linked the proper lpr to that directory and 
everything is fine now. Go figure. At some point in the past gnome made a 
change in a lot of libs, going from /usr/X11R6/ to /usr/local/. Perhaps 
this was part of that.

Apologies for the noise,


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