Changing defaults in Fancy Invoice

Andrew Greig algreig at
Wed May 9 07:04:54 EDT 2007

Hi Derek,


I see your name at the top of this scheme, and I realise all the hard
work that went into this. And I am appreciative.

Is this where the number of lines is set? ...

(if (null? entries)
            ;; oli-custom - modified to have a minimum of entries per
            ;; currently defaults to 24
            ;; also, doesn't count payment rows and stuff
            (do ((entries-added entries-added (+ entries-added 1))
                 (odd-row? odd-row? (not odd-row?)))
                ((> entries-added (opt-val "Display" "Minimum # of
entries" )))
                 table (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")
                 (string->list (make-string (num-columns-required
            (add-subtotal-row table used-columns value-collector
                              "grand-total" (_ "Subtotal"))

Now it does show 24 rows, but I would like 10, but deeper to accomodate
a larger font, somewhere around 12 pt.  A book-keeper should not have to
peer to read an invoice.
Ideally I would like minimum font size to be 10pt, Company name under
header to be 12 pt and Customer name under that to be 14pt.

If I change font size will the table rows increase in height to suit?


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