Enabling Online Securities Quotes

Oliver E. Seikel Zoar1951-news at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 10:59:51 EST 2007


Fred's comments:

> 1. Run Start->Programs->Gnucash->Install Online Price Retrieval. That 
> will fix the first problem (by installing and configuring 
> Finance::Quote). gnc-fq-update is a *nix component.
> 2. For each commodity, tell Gnucash (Tools->Security Editor) where to go 
> for the quotes and what code to use.

Thanks for the information which led to a solution.

When trying the install, I got an error message:

"Did not find a usable perl.
Please install ActivePerl (http://www.activestate.com/store/activeperl)
and add the bin directory to your Path environment variable."

I went to the indicated URL and downloaded and installed:

After the installation, I followed your instructions, and I am now able 
to download quotes.

One observation:  I was able to download quotes for an ADR from Yahoo 
(NSRGY.PK), which I am not able to do with Quicken even though Quicken 
purportedly downloads from Yahoo.


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