export to QIF - whatever happened to it being added to the "next version?"

Alan Hartless harty83 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 10:46:55 EST 2007

I came across this in a ml post (

Jonas Rullo writes:
> > I installed GnuCash and it seems to be working well.  I am a member of a
> > small club, and have been keeping track of expenses with GnuCash.  Will
> > I be able to turn over that responsibility to another member that cannot
> > run GnuCash?  I have a couple months of records that I need to export to
> > Quick Books, Microsoft Money, or some kind of spread sheet format.  Is
> > this possible with the current GnuCash package?
> > Jonas Rullo.
> Currently, no. We are working on a qif export for the next version.
> dave

Whatever happened to it being out for the "next version?"  This post was
back in 2000!!!!   I would really really really like an option to be able to
sync back and forth between a ppc finance program and gnucash and the only
hope of that is for gnucash to export to QIF.

I've tried the gnucashtoqif java program which works pretty decent.  One of
the problems is that it exports all my scheduled transactions as accounts
with names of long multi-letter and numbers.



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