Opening custom report fails

Anthony Messina amessina at
Fri Nov 16 14:11:23 EST 2007

I am using gnucash 2.2.1 on Fedora 8.  I just spent a bit of time creating a 
custom report, saved it and was looking forward to it being available when I 
opened gnucash again.  I got the "an error occurred while running report" 

With gnucash --debug, I get the following:

In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
 437: 18* (if template (let* # # # ...) #f)
 438: 19  (let* (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc 
stylesheet) ...)
 440: 20* [render-view #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/view-column.scm:
  72: 21  (let* (# # # # ...) (let* # # #) (for-each # reports) ...)
  88: 22* (let* ((new-reports #)) (for-each (lambda # #) reports) ...)
  89: 23* [for-each #<procedure #f (report-info)> (# # # # ...)]
In unknown file:
   ?: 24* [#<procedure #f (report-info)> (601 2 1 #f)]
In /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/view-column.scm:
  91: 25* (let (# # # #) (if # #) (set! new-reports #))
  95: 26* (if (not callback) (begin (set! callback #) (set! report-info #)))
  96: 27  (begin (set! callback #) (set! report-info #))
  97: 28* (set! callback (make-child-options-callback report #))
  98: 29* [make-child-options-callback # #f]
  60: 30  (let* ((view-opts #) (child-opts #) (id #)) id)
  61: 31* [gnc:report-options #f]
In unknown file:
   ?: 32* [%record-type-check #<record-type <report>> #f]
   ?: 33  (or (eq? rtd #) (scm-error # "%record-type-check" ...))
   ?: 34* [eq? #<record-type <report>> ...
   ?: 35* [record-type-descriptor #f]
   ?: 36  (if (struct? obj) (struct-vtable obj) (error (quote not-a-record) 
   ?: 37  [scm-error misc-error #f "~A ~S" (not-a-record #f) #f]
<unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote 
misc-error) #f ...):
<unnamed port>: not-a-record #f

I'm not sure where to begin here.  I have attached the saved report file in 
case anyone can help.  Thanks, Anthony

Anthony - -
8F89 5E72 8DF0 BCF0 10BE 9967 92DC 35DC B001 4A4E
-------------- next part --------------
;; Options for saved report "Our Financial Summary", based on template "Multicolumn View"
(let ()
 (define (options-gen)
  (let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/name "Multicolumn View")))

; Section: General

(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options
                                 "Report name")))
  ((lambda (option) (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) "Our Financial Summary"))) option))

(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options
                                 "Number of columns")))
  ((lambda (option) (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) 2.0))) option))

; Section: __general

(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options
  ((lambda (option) (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) '((601 2 1 #f) (1 1 1 #f) (6 1 1 #f) (2 1 1 #f) (7 1 1 #f) (212 1 1 #f) (8 1 1 #f) (3 1 1 #f) (4 1 1 #f) (10 2 1 #f) (381 1 1 #f))))) option))

  'version 1
  'name "Our Financial Summary"
  'options-generator options-gen
  'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-custom)
  'renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer/name "Multicolumn View")))

-------------- next part --------------
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