ofx import in gnucash doesn't work correctly

Medioman kmedioman at fastwebnet.it
Tue Nov 20 12:49:29 EST 2007

hope somebody can help!

I can't import correctly .ofx files that I download monthly from my bank
The first file I import is imported correctly, the second is blank or
many transactions are missing independently on which is the first or
second. I mean; if I first import January then February is imported
wrongly, but if I first import February then is January incorrect. It's
only the first file in a fresh account imported correctly.

I'm using ubuntu 7.10 (but the same happened in previous versions also),
gnucash 2.2.1, libofx 0.8.2 installed from the official repository.

The same files are imported correctly in Kmymoney and Money.

Thanks in advance



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