Printing backward

Mike gnucash07299 at
Wed Nov 21 10:08:32 EST 2007

On Wed, November 21, 2007 9:57 am, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> Quoting Mike <gnucash07299 at>:
>> On Wed, November 21, 2007 8:25 am, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> I would argue that it's not GnuCash per se, but as I mentioned above
>>> it COULD be an issue with GnomePrint or GtkPrint.  It might be
>>> interesting to see what happens from another Gtk based application.
>>> For example, I'd
>>> be interested to know if Gnumeric also prints weirdly for you?
>> Just installed gnumeric-1.6.3-win32-2.exe
>> No change (mirrored), but worse printing, missing/garbled stuff.
> Sorry, just to be clear I understand you, what you're saying is that
> you still have the same printing problems with gnumeric as you do with
> gnucash?


>> I hope the two attached files come through...
>> Gnumeric Preview.png (6 k)
>> Gnumeric report.png (9.6 k)
> Unforutnately not really.  :(

OK.  I will check into posting them someplace and provide the links instead.

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