Confused by Advanced Portfolio Report

Andrew Sackville-West ajswest at
Mon Nov 26 13:56:19 EST 2007

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 11:55:01AM -0500, Richard (Rick) Seay wrote:
> I've recently started using GnuCash 2.2.0 on FreeBSD 6.2.  It has gone
> well so far but I'm confused by the Advanced Portfolio Report.  I've
> attached an example of a register and a report that shows the problem.
>  It seems that a realized gain of 25,999.95 has appeared from nowhere
> which is offset by an equally mysterious unrealized gain of 25,653.43.
>  The Total Gain of 346.52 is correct, but should be made up of 150.91
> in income (re-invested) and 195.61 in unrealized gains.  What am I
> doing wrong?

probably nothing, but I'm having a little trouble deciphering your
attachements. I looks like you're using some test accounts at the
moment, could you email a copy of the file off-list? 

The advanced portfolio is currently very broken in a number of ways
(check, if you're curious, search on advanced
portfolio). I'm actually in the process of fixing some things in it
(hence my request for "yet another test file" above.). On the surface,
it looks like you're facing one of the many problems with the report
as it stands. sorry.

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