Use of hidden accounts.

Adam Funk a24061 at
Tue Oct 2 15:58:16 EDT 2007

On 2007-09-22, David T. wrote:

> Your understanding WRT hidden accounts is right for the account tree, wrong for
> the dropdown box (AFAIK). I reported in
> the problem with hidden
> accounts still displaying in account dropdown boxes. That bug is still open, so
> I don't think the behavior has changed in 2.2 (I'm using 2.0.5). I'll note that
> my workaround has been to change the account to a placeholder account, which
> hides the account in the dropdown list.

Following on from this, I've seen somewhere (in the wiki, I think)
that you can the placeholder flag (which I had always assumed was for
non-leaf nodes in the accounts tree) is really a "read-only" flag.  Is
that right --- in other words, are there no problems associated with
setting on an account that already has transactions that I want to
keep although I don't want to add more to it?


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