Multiple Currencies

Alan Larkin alan.j.larkin at
Wed Oct 3 18:15:16 EDT 2007

Stephen J. Gowdy wrote:
> When you enter the 
> transaction you need to adjust the exchange rate on each split, 
> otherwise it ends up blank on the other currency accounts.

Ah. Well that's progress. Now at least the transactions also appear correctly in the GBP accounts, 
but they dont seem to be working. I mean I have tried a simpler approach than the one I posted 
involving Currency:Sterling and :Euro. Now I just have (for a Visa cash advance in UK):

Assets:Current Assests:Cash (Sterling)    20
Expenses:Banking Fees                     2
Imbalance-EUR                             9.07
Liabilities:Visa                                31.07

Despite having right clicked and edited the Exchange Rate on the Assets:Current Assests:Cash 
(Sterling) split and set it to the correct value. That imbalance should be accounted for by the rate!?

Sorry to be dense!


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