GnuCash - Loading Pre-downloaded Transactions

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 11 08:10:59 EDT 2007

When you browse to the directory where the two .QIF files are located,
do you actually select the Sav-Aug07.qif file??  All you say that you
do is:

> 2.  I then go to directory where Sav-Aug07 is stored & click Import

But that's not sufficient; you also need to "select Sav-Aug07" and THEN
click Import..  Are you doing that?  Your other option, I BELIEVE, is
that you could double-click on the Sav-Aug07 file.


Quoting J S <singhj at>:

> Hello
> Thanks for responding & here are more details, first 3 lines are repeated,
> then I am sowing the step by step popup screens I get.
> I have used File -> Import -> to prime the Savings & Credit Accounts with
> July 07 data.
> I now want to import August 07 data for same accounts downloaded from the
> Bank in QIF format.
> The July 07 file in my C:\ directory is called Sav-Jul07.qif and August data
> file is stored as Sav-aug07.qif.
> So I want to import this Sav-aug07.qif into my GnuCash Savings Account.
> So it is File -> Import -> Import QIF:
> 1.  I get this QIF Info Panel and I click Forward
> 2.  I then go to directory where Sav-Aug07 is stored & click Import
> 3.  I get another popup "QIF Files I have Loaded" & click Forward
> 4.  I get another popup 'Account & stock holdings', I click forward
> 5.  I then get a 'Match QIF accounts with GnuCash Accounts' ++++ basically a
> blank popup with Headings, refer attach GnuCash-Import-1 & I click Forward
> 6.  Then I get 'Income & Expense categories' & I click Forward
> 7.  Then I get same as in Step 5 above, I click Forward
> 8.  Then I get 'Payees and Memos' popup & I click Forward
> 9.  Then I get 'Match payees/memos to GnuCash accounts' === basically a
> blank with headings & I click Forward
> 10.Then I get 'Match duplicated transactions' & I click Forward
> 11.Then I get 'Select possible duplicates' popup ++++ basically showing me
> the July 07 transactions already loaded +++ Refer attached GnuCash-Import-2.
> Finally, the Sav-Aug07 QIF file, the first record is '!Type:Bank' and then
> on new line followed by D31/08/07 (a DD/MM/YY) formatted date field, etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Sled [mailto:jsled at]
> Sent: Monday, 10 September 2007 11:46 PM
> To: Singh, John
> Cc: gnucash-user at; singhj at
> Subject: Re: GnuCash - Loading Pre-downloaded Transactions
> "Singh, John" <John.Singh at> writes:
>> I have just installed the GNUCASH on Windows XP & I have been able to
>> set/create my Chart of Accounts.
> It's just GnuCash.  There's no need for all caps.
>> I can 'import' a QIF format file into my accounts & this is only for
>> one time event (this was for July 07 transactions)..
>> I now find that I cannot load my new transactions into GNUCASH
>> downloaded from my Bank accounts for the month of Aug 07.
> Details, please ... what happens when you attempt to load the Aug QIF file?
> If you create a clean/new file and load (only) the same Aug QIF file, does
> that work?
> --
> ...jsled
> - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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