GnuCash - Loading Pre-downloaded Transactions
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Sep 15 08:52:22 EDT 2007
Quoting J S <singhj at>:
> Derek
> Again Thanks .. now what do you mean if there are any QIF accounts in QIF
> Files!!!
Okay, now is the time for you to tuck your tail between your legs
and google for "QIF Format" and go do a LITTLE bit of research before
you respond to this email (unless that response is "okay, I'm reading
up on the QIF File Format").
The fact that your file is a !Type:Bank implies that there are
probably NOT any QIF Accounts in there, but there still could be
in the L tags.
> The local Banking Institutions only puts in a '!Type:Bank' as the first
> record in a QIF file, when we or I unload from the Bank's web site; for
> example:
> [snip]
> Let us say for the above QIF file I have a Liability account called XYZ-Loan
> (type=Bank) with an opening balance of $10000.00. If I now try to load it
> there is approx 70% failure rate. In fact I tried it just now & GnuCash just
> 'fails' to pick up the QIF file and I end up with a balnk druid 'Match QIF
> account . as per attachment GnuCash-import-4 sent in last email!!
First, why would "XYZ-Loan" be a type=Bank? A loan should be a Liability.
What do you mean by "70% failure rate"? What do you mean by "fails
to pick up the QIF file"?
Of COURSE you're going to end up with a blank Match QIF Account druid..
no accounts in the snippet that I cut out above. There are only Payees,
which you'll have to match to an account in the "Match Memos/Payees"
The problem, of course, is that it's quite likely that the importer
wont like the fact that it's trying to pay down a liability, and might
instead try to make an Expense account. You'll just have to try it
and see.. Save your file before you import and then after the import
take a look and quit gnucash if the import did something weird -- then
you can try again.
> If you suggesting the above QIF file to have XYZ-Loan somewhere in the
> record then let me know. I can edit the file & place it but I am not sure
> of the QIF file record layout. That is, should it be !Type:Bank:Liability
> or similar??
Well, that's certainly ONE way to get it to do it. You can add the
QIF Account information to the appropriate transactions. (refer back
to your google response for more information).
> All the QIF files I have are formatted as above and I have been able load a
> few of them but not all. It is just weird.
I think you're just confused.
> I hope this explains my dilemma.
Not particular, other than I think you're very very confused about what
QIF is and what's in your QIF files. I think you're expecting something
that isn't there. The QIF Account page is, honestly, USUALLY empty. So
I think you're just stopping there because you're dumbfuddled and instead
of hitting NEXT to see what else might show up you're stopping like a deer
in the headlights. Don't be a deer. Just keep going.
Good Luck,
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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