Extra content added to printed invoices

Paul Gear paul at gear.dyndns.org
Thu Sep 27 22:42:56 EDT 2007

Paul Gear wrote:
> Robert Heller wrote:
>> Is there a way to add additional content to a printed invoice?  Yes
>> I know about the heading banner and the logo, but I want to add a
>> 'Payments By PayPal' button image near the bottom of the invoice. 
>> Is this possible?
> Even fairly basic layout changes require you to hack the scheme file
> that generates the report.
> In order to make the Invoice look the way i wanted, i hacked 
> fancy-invoice.scm in /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report

I was asked off-list:
> A look at a commercially satisfactory invoice compared with the
> standard offering would be instructive for me.  I would like to
> produce an "Australian" invoice, based on an A4 page which when
> folded in 3 would suit a DL window faced envelope.
> Perhaps, if you are pleased with your outcome, you could send the 
> fruit of your labor to Derek as Fancy-Inv2.scm for inclusion in 
> upcoming releases. It would have to be better than the current ugly 
> thing.

The Australian tax invoice i hacked up can be had from this page:
I'd be happy for it to be included in future versions if anyone cares to
do so (i changed very little of it, so i didn't even bother copyrighting
my extensions).  It would be even better if it could be called "tax
invoice", rather than "fancy invoice", but when i tried to do that it
broke things.

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Honestly, any decent software engineer should be able to learn scheme
> syntax in under a day, and if they really work at it could learn most
> of the rest of the semantics of the language in about a week.  It's
> really not a hard language to learn -- why do you think they've been
> using it to teach intro to CS classes for the past N decades?

Some of us are "decent software engineers" (hopefully - at least that's
what they pay me for), but can't spare a week to get this right.  The
last time i touched LISP was 1990, and in the CS faculty i trained under
(http://www.fit.qut.edu.au/), it was an afterthought, not an intro to CS
tool (QUT used Pascal at the time).  I suspect most university-trained
CS people in the last decade in .au have cut their teeth Pascal,
Modula-*, Java, or (God help us all) Visual Basic.  Sure, some of us can
hack and slash at it, but it's not anything like our native tongue.
It's like asking me to write poetry in German - i can't even write it in
English!  ;-)

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