Quickbooks to GnuCASH

Michael DeBusk michael at nlphilia.com
Wed Apr 2 14:46:49 EDT 2008

Derek Atkins wrote:

>> I couldn't get it all imported without massive errors.
> When was this?  There's been a lot of work on the QIF Importer
> recently and it really seems to do a MUCH better job, thanks to
> Charles Day.  But you need to be running 2.2.4 (plus an updated
> qif-to-gnc.scm) to get all the fixes.

It was at the beginning of 2007, or maybe the end of 2006.

Although the QIF Importer may have been buggy, I imagine my complete
inability to get my data imported had quite a bit to do with my lack of
patience at the time. I had switched to Linux from OS/2 at the same
time, so I was feeling like a complete n00b (and I hadn't felt that way
since the early 1990s, when I first experienced the cold starkness of
the DOS prompt). Anything that didn't "just work" I had to put aside
until I felt at home in Linux. Quicken 98 worked fine under Wine.

Now, I compile GnuCash from the tarball*, routinely edit QIF files by
hand, and am reviewing my old college Accounting textbooks. (Anybody
remember doing double-entry on paper? Those were the days!) So it's all
good. All that's left is to learn to code in C so I can pitch in.

Oh, I do have 2.2.4 and the updated qif-to-gnc.scm.

*I am running Ubuntu and I want OFX import capabilities

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