Keybinding to mark transactions "cleared"?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Wed Apr 16 11:23:29 EDT 2008

On 2008-04-16, David T. wrote:

> Actually, I use the spacebar to toggle a transaction's status all the time, and
> in the course of reconciling a statement, it's really quick, since once you're
> in the transaction pile, the spacebar both toggles the status of the item AND
> moves to the next transaction. Note that a previously-cleared item will UNclear
> if you spacebar through it. 

Sorry, I think my question was ambiguous.  I'm not talking about
reconciling statements (changing the flag on transactions to "y") but
marking transactions as cleared (changing the flag to "c" and
affecting the "cleared balance" of the account) in an account

As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to move my hand off
the keyboard, use the mouse to click the "n" so it changes to "c", and
then either move it back to press return and click on another
transaction or click on another transaction and then click on the
button in the save/cancel/discard dialog box.  (I know I can set it to
accept changes automatically without the dialog box, but I think that
would affect *all* changes, not just to the n/c/y flag, and I'd prefer
not to risk that.)

I use the cleared balances quite a bit, and I'd like to speed up the
process, ideally in a way that doesn't require me to leave the

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