Matching two halves of a transfer between accounts.
Robert Stocks
robert.stocks at
Tue Aug 5 07:09:15 EDT 2008
Hi Daniel,
This has come up before see
2008/8/5 Daniel Holt <dmholt at>:
> I've searched the lists to see if there is a way to do what I'd like, and
> nothing seems to quite match - except for hints that maybe it' not
> possible. Apologies if I've missed something relevant previously posted, I
> may be ignoring an existing topic due to ignorance. I'm trying to set up
> Gnucash for the first time.
> I pay my credit card by electronic transfer from my current account. Both my
> credit card and current account transactions are available from my bank as
> OFX files, so I have downloaded these and loaded them to Gnucash. My
> problem is that my payment appears as two unbalanced transactions, one in
> the current account and one in the credit card account. I cannot find a way
> to specify that these two transactions match and reconcile to each other.
> Everything I try appears to produce an extra entry in one account or the
> other.
> The best practical work-around I can find so far is to exclude the payment
> transaction from the credit card import, then assign the payment from my
> current account to my credit card account so the payment only appears once
> in the credit card account as a balanced transaction. As this is only one
> transaction to exclude once a month it's not too onerous, but it seems a
> shame to discard one half of the transaction when I do in fact have both
> parts electronically already.
> >From what I have seen on the lists, it looks as if if there is no way to
> force Gnucash to marry these two halves of the same transaction up if it
> hasn't already done so based on information in the OFX file. Or have I
> missed something?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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