Serious reconciling problem after deleting an reconciled transaction

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Thu Aug 7 14:11:46 EDT 2008

On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 10:55:59AM -0700, Scott Simpson wrote:
> > I'd do a reconciliation from the current incorrect starting balance to the
> > correct one, then resume normal reconciliation from that point.
> That won't work because the reconciliation balance is stored
> separately, it will never match and permanently be off by $28.50. I
> verified this by re-entering the transaction, editing the GnuCash file
> and changing the $28.50 back to 'y', and then trying to reconcile to
> the same end date on the statement. This leaves a reconciliation
> balance off by $28.50 even when I don't change anything on the
> reconciliation page. This tells me the reconciliation balance is
> cached somewhere.

mucking about in the data file is most likely *not* the way to solve
this. At this point, your best bet is to try and roll back to one of
the backup files (ending in .xac). 

As I recall, the proper way to handle the situation with a mistaken
reconcile is to delete the incorrect transaction, enter the proper
transaction, *ignore* the starting balance, and then reconcile to the
proper ending balance. 

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