Serious reconciling problem after deleting an reconciled transaction

David Brown gnucash at
Thu Aug 7 18:32:47 EDT 2008

On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 01:38:38PM -0700, Scott Simpson wrote:

>This won't work. The ending balance of my account must obviously match
>my statement. But as I check stuff off, the "reconcile number" is
>computed and when I am done matching my statement, the reconcile
>number will be off by $28.50 since it computes relative to the
>previous *incorrect* value (and I can't adjust the reconcile number
>because that is my original problem!). If the reconcile number is not
>$0, I can't say accept. Catch-22.

We must be missing something here.  There isn't a reconciled balance
that is stored anywhere.  You should be able to add the correct
transaction and re-reconcile.  You can add the single transaction, and
redo the reconciliation for the previous month.  Once you mark it, the
balance should be correct.

The only values stored for a reconcile are the date of the last
reconcilation and the last interval covered.  It is not computed to any
previously computed value, but it is a total of all transactions marked
as reconciled.


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