Unable to install Finance::Quote

David Reiser dbreiser at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 8 00:45:13 EDT 2008

On Aug 7, 2008, at 11:44 PM, Steven Ross wrote:

> Yes, sorry I didn't mention I used fink.  I actually used "fink  
> commander"  to install GnuCash2 if that matters.
> I also installed a Gnucash program launcher available at:
> http://homepage.mac.com/elliottmce/gnucash_guide/applets.html
> I had been using that to start the program.  Could it be causing the  
> problem?  Also, the only way I can start GnuCash without the  
> launcher is to use an x11 terminal window and type in the path:  /sw/ 
> bin. Gnucash won't start without the directory change.  I don't know  
> if that is typical.    Here is what I get, then GnuCash starts:
> macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ gnucash
> bash: gnucash: command not found
> macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ /sw/bin/gnucash
> gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at  
> configure time.

Ah. That's a problem where x11 isn't picking up your environment when  
it launches. I think there's a fink FAQ on that. I'll see if I can  
find it. (finkproject.org isn't responding for me at the moment.)

> If I run gnc-fq-dump without "sudo"  I get this:
> macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ gnc-fq-dump
> Usage: /sw/bin/gnc-fq-dump <quote-source> [-v] <stock> [<stock> ...]
> Available sources are:
>      tsp vwd financecanada yahoo_nz australia usa troweprice france  
> amfiindia nasdaq usfedbonds bmonesbittburns aex_options yahoo_asia  
> troweprice_direct tiaacref canada yahoo seb_funds yahoo_brasil  
> fidelity aiahk greece dwsfunds yahoo_australia unionfunds finland  
> lerevenu asia indiamutual hex brasil asegr deka nyse canadamutual  
> fidelity_direct asx tdwaterhouse fool trustnet ftportfolios_direct  
> uk_unit_trusts dutch ftportfolios tdefunds nzx za aex_futures  
> fundlibrary stockhousecanada_fund aex yahoo_europe nz vanguard  
> bourso europe platinum maninv

The above answer shows that finance-quote is installed.

To test it better, do
/sw/bin/gnc-fq-dump yahoo AAPL

Your experience also shows that gnc-fq-dump doesn't work as root.  
Curious. But I have no idea why.

When you get the environment stuff worked out, you can leave off the / 
sw/bin/ here, too.

There was a time that launching gnucash from a utility blocked finance- 
quote from working. I thought I had fixed that, but it is possible  
that your environment setup is also interfering here -- one of the  
utilities should be sending /sw/bin/whatever, and it is only sending  

> I have never done anything with the default Mac perl installation  
> that I am aware of.
> I tried "fink install finance-quote-pm586"  and it just gave me the  
> same message about 'No packages to install.'
> I'm sure I'm telling you a bunch of extraneous junk.   Hopefully an  
> answer is hidden somewhere in there.  Thanks again.
> Steve Ross

David Reiser
dbreiser at earthlink.net

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