Unable to install Finance::Quote

Steven Ross ccssb at rap.midco.net
Thu Aug 7 23:44:29 EDT 2008

Yes, sorry I didn't mention I used fink.  I actually used "fink  
commander"  to install GnuCash2 if that matters.

I also installed a Gnucash program launcher available at:

I had been using that to start the program.  Could it be causing the  
problem?  Also, the only way I can start GnuCash without the launcher  
is to use an x11 terminal window and type in the path:  /sw/bin.    
Gnucash won't start without the directory change.  I don't know if  
that is typical.    Here is what I get, then GnuCash starts:

macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ gnucash
bash: gnucash: command not found
macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ /sw/bin/gnucash
gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at  
configure time.

If I run gnc-fq-dump without "sudo"  I get this:

macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ gnc-fq-dump

Usage: /sw/bin/gnc-fq-dump <quote-source> [-v] <stock> [<stock> ...]

Available sources are:
      tsp vwd financecanada yahoo_nz australia usa troweprice france  
amfiindia nasdaq usfedbonds bmonesbittburns aex_options yahoo_asia  
troweprice_direct tiaacref canada yahoo seb_funds yahoo_brasil  
fidelity aiahk greece dwsfunds yahoo_australia unionfunds finland  
lerevenu asia indiamutual hex brasil asegr deka nyse canadamutual  
fidelity_direct asx tdwaterhouse fool trustnet ftportfolios_direct  
uk_unit_trusts dutch ftportfolios tdefunds nzx za aex_futures  
fundlibrary stockhousecanada_fund aex yahoo_europe nz vanguard bourso  
europe platinum maninv

I have never done anything with the default Mac perl installation  
that I am aware of.
I tried "fink install finance-quote-pm586"  and it just gave me the  
same message about 'No packages to install.'
I'm sure I'm telling you a bunch of extraneous junk.   Hopefully an  
answer is hidden somewhere in there.  Thanks again.

Steve Ross

On Aug 7, 2008, at 7:08 PM, David Reiser wrote:

> On Aug 7, 2008, at 7:51 PM, Steven Ross wrote:
>> I'm a newbie trying to set up Finance::quote for financial quote in
>> GnuCash on an ibook running OS X 10.4.11 powerPC.
>> I'm trying to follow the instructions in the GnuCash Tutorial and
>> Concepts Guide.
>> When I put "perldoc Finance::Quote" in terminal I get documentation.
>> When I try to run the gnc-fq-update program I get this:
>> Welcome to Darwin!
>> macs-ibook-g4:~ mac$ cd /sw/bin
>> macs-ibook-g4:/sw/bin mac$ sudo gnc-fq-update
>> Password:
>> Information about 8146 packages read in 7 seconds.
>> No packages to install.
>> macs-ibook-g4:/sw/bin mac$
>> Then if I run gnc-fq-dump I get:
>> macs-ibook-g4:/sw/bin mac$ sudo gnc-fq-dump
>> Password:
>> /sw/bin/gnc-fq-dump cannot find all the Perl modules needed to run.
>> You need to install the following Perl modules:
>>   Finance::Quote
>>   LWP
>>   HTML::TableExtract
>>   Crypt::SSLeay
>>   Date::Manip
>> Use your system's package manager to install them,
>> or run 'gnc-fq-update' as root.
>> Obviously, I’m screwing up something, but I don’t have the knowledge
>> to know what.
>> Thanks for any assistance in advance.
>> Steve Ross
> It looks like you are using fink to install things. If you did a  
> 'fink install gnucash2' then finance-quote should already be  
> installed (hence, the 'no packages to install' message).
> However, the  messages from gnc-fq-dump suggest they aren't there.  
> How did you install gnucash? Using fink, it would be
> fink install gnucash2
> but starting the program is just
> gnucash
> in an x11 terminal window
> Does gnucash itself run for you?
> You could try
> fink install finance-quote-pm586
> and that should pull in all the rest of the perl modules.
> You don't need the sudo for the gnc-fq-dump command.
> You might have problems if you have installed perl modules on your  
> system using CPAN instead of fink, but let's start out with looking  
> into why the gnucash2 package install didn't quite work.
> The other question is: Have you done anything with the Mac default  
> perl installation? Gnucash is packaged so that it is forced to use  
> the Apple perl instead of fink's version.
> Dave
> --
> David Reiser
> dbreiser at earthlink.net

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