syncing two pcs

Ronal B Morse rbmorse at
Sat Aug 16 08:53:13 EDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-08-16 at 08:19 -0400, Donald Allen wrote:
> I do the same (using rsync), to keep not only my gnucash files but my
> entire home directory up-to-date as I move among my various machines
> (each has a purpose in life, ranging from very mobile to very
> powerful). rsync is a very useful application, but can be a bit tricky
> to get the setup right. I recommend liberal use of the --dry-run
> option, particularly if you use --delete. This allows you to see what
> it would have done, but didn't. And, as Robert already observed, it's
> crucial to remember to rsync *from* the computer you last used *to*
> the computer you are about to use.
> /Don Allen
If you're on a GNOME distribution (or even if you're not) and like
rsync, you might want to look at grsync. It's a little GUI front end for
rsync that takes all the ambiguities out of setting up the source and
destination file stores and makes good use of the "test run" option.
Works with all your favorite rsync command line options, too!

It's in the Ubuntu and SuSE 11 repositories and source can be obtained
from Sourceforge. 

Ron Morse

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