Interest Payments

David Reiser dbreiser at
Wed Aug 20 22:17:31 EDT 2008

On Aug 20, 2008, at 8:59 PM, Chris wrote:

> ---
> Reply to Michael DeBusk @ Wednesday August 20, 2008. 08:24:54 PM  
> -0400:
> + On Wed, August 20, 2008 18:31, Chris wrote:
> +
> + > Certificate of Deposit (CD).   I know the opening balance, the  
> period,
> + when interest is paid, and APY.  Is there any way that I can get  
> each
> + interest payment to be calculated upon reconcile each month?
> +
> + My bank (ING Direct) sends me a statement every month. I work from  
> it
> + rather than tryingt to calculate anything. (The interest payments  
> are not
> + exactly the same every period, for some reason.)
> I get monthly statements too, but it doesn't tell me how much  
> interest I was
> paid, so I have to calculate it by hand.  It's a big pain in the rear.
> My opening statement says that the interest is compounded daily (and  
> I suspect
> yours is too), so I'd expect the amount to differ a little each  
> month.   Even
> given that, it should still be easy for gnucash to be able to  
> calculate it.
> Is it possible to get a scheduled transaction that is based off a  
> calculation?
> Say set one up at the end of the month and have it crunch the  
> numbers based off
> the balance and days passed since last execute when it executes.   
> That would be
> sweet.
> Or worst case, have some sort of tool that can do it.  A perl
> script that writes out qif files for the interest payments each  
> month and then
> import that file.
> Chris

scheduled transactions (SX) can have calculations, but you'll need to  
put in a placeholder for the base upon which interest is calculated.  
SX's aren't able to determine the current balance on their own.

Documentation is sparse, and I always end up searching the mailing  
list archives when I need it.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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