newbie inquiry

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri Aug 22 08:49:24 EDT 2008

Bob Alexander wrote:

>Thanks Maf,
>in my version it is indeed called Income Statement.
>A "last" question: this report automatically selects records from 01/01/2008
>to current date. How can I run it specifying the start and end dates
>manually ?
>Thank again
Edit=>Report Options=>various categories of options
  Note that there are a great many other options you are likely to want 
to specify besides start and stop date (things like whether zero balance 
accounts appear and how subtotals will be handled). You will want to 
spend some time playing with these things.

  The nice thing about Gnucash is that you can quickly see what your 
report will look like with the option you have just specified so you can 
change that to something else if your first try wasn't what you wanted.


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