Account Tabs on Tool Bar

Douglas D. Victoria doug_victoria at
Sat Aug 30 18:17:16 EDT 2008

Thanks to both of you for help - it was great.






From: Charles Day [mailto:cedayiv at] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 11:23 AM
To: Tommy Trussell
Cc: Douglas D. Victoria; gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: Account Tabs on Tool Bar


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:00 PM, Tommy Trussell <tommy.trussell at>

On 8/28/08, Douglas D. Victoria <doug_victoria at> wrote:
> How do I remove/hide the account tabs on the tool bar?  Using the
>  scroll arrows is a cumbersome method for getting to the account I want to
>  work with; I'd like to be able to jump to the window that shows all the
>  account and then select the account I want to work with.  Similarly, I'd
>  like to delete a report tab on the tool bar that points to an old report.

The tabs stay open until you close them -- which you can do using the
little X on them or Control-W (those may depend on your window
manager), or using the Close button on the toolbar or the Close
command in the File menu. The application window stays open until you
Quit, so you can "safely" press Control-W without worrying you'll quit
the application by mistake.

I agree regarding how cumbersome the tabs are when there are too many
to fit the window. I just discovered that you can get a pop-up menu of
all the tabs by right-clicking in the tab area, and you can re-open
the Account tab that way.

Good advice. To switch tabs without closing them, you can also use
Ctrl+Alt+PageUp or Ctrl+Alt+PageDn. It sounds like a key combination for the
most recently used account tab would be nice though.


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