re-invoice to reflect partial payment and late fees?

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Tue Dec 9 12:31:24 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 07:37:45AM -0800, accidental landlord wrote:
> 1) I'm attempting to use gnucash for my rental property.  I started using the
> invoice feature this month and sent a December invoice to the tenants that
> included line items for RENT and WATER.  I just received a payment and
> attempted to use the process payment feature.  However, the payment only
> included the RENT portion and did not include the WATER portion. 
> Additionally, the RENT was late.  Accordingly I want to re-invoice the
> tenant to reflect that the WATER payment remains unpaid and that the
> December RENT was paid late resulting in an additional line item for a LATE
> FEE.  Ideally, I would like something like the following...
> Invoice Date: 11/25/2008
> Due Date: 12/1/2008
> December RENT   ..............  $$$ PAID, thank you
> WATER                ..............  $$$ OVERDUE
> LATE FEE             .............   $$$

personally, I would issue a new invoice for the late fee dated
whatever day the late fee is accrued. Then I would mail that invoice
along with a Receivable Aging report. That is essentially the same as
a statement, showing line items for each invoice and for payments
made. It includes an aging report at the very bottom showing amounts
that are past due.

> 2) If this type of re-invoicing is not possible, how do I carry over the
> unpaid WATER payment onto the January invoice?  Do I manually have to remove
> it from the December invoice and re-add it to the January invoice?  Is there
> some way to report/print a payment reminder that includes itemized amounts
> from multiple invoices?

if you really want to, you have to do re-invoicing manually, so far as
I know. Otherwise you have to reprint invoices, and print the aging report.

> 3) Can the payment terms be customized to automatically tack on a daily late
> fee, If the invoice is not paid within a certain number of days of the due
> date?

not that I'm aware of...


> Thanks for any advice!
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