Using Current account balance as a variable in scheduled transactions

Dennis Muhlestein djmuhlestein at
Tue Dec 23 17:43:34 EST 2008

Ryan Dunn wrote:
> Does anyone know if this has been implemented?  I just started using
> GnuCash and ran into this myself.  It would be far easier if I could
> use the current loan balance in figuring out how much of a payment
> should go to interest vs. principal.
> It would be nice if I could specify my payment=x,
> interest=curBal*(rate/12), and principal=x-interest.  I frequently
> make additional payments that render the current ppmt and ipmt that
> are based solely on loan start amount and months into loan.

Unless this has changed very recently, the answer is no.  I use a 
spreadsheet to calculate my principle/interest and then just have two 
variables in my scheduled transaction (principle and interest.)


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