FW: Reconciliation problem - State of transaction as reconciled is not preserved.

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 28 15:56:12 EST 2008


Quoting Avner <avner-moshkovitz at shaw.ca>:

> I have noticed that the ticking state of the transactions shows up according
> to the "Statement Date" in the "Reconcile Information" dialog box.
> If I choose a date which is earlier than the transaction, even though the
> transaction was earlier ticked in the "Reconcile" page, it will show up as
> NON ticked.
> For example, if the "Statement Date" is set to 10/31/2008 and the
> transaction is from 12/15/2008, then the transaction doesn't show up as
> ticked in the "Reconcile" page. If I change the "Statement Date" to
> 12/31/2008, then the transaction does show up as ticked in the "Reconcile"
> page.
> This is confusing. Is this a designed feature, or a bug?

This is a feature.   How could you have a statement dated January 1
with a transaction that didn't happen until January 5?  You can't.
So that's why the system works the way it does.

> Regrads,
> Avner


> xxxxx-----Original Message-----
> xxxxxFrom: Avner [mailto:avner-moshkovitz at shaw.ca]
> xxxxxSent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 10:51 AM
> xxxxxTo: 'Derek Atkins'
> xxxxxCc: 'gnucash-user at gnucash.org'
> xxxxxSubject: RE: Reconciliation problem - State of transaction as
> xxxxxreconciled is not preserved.
> xxxxx
> xxxxxHello,
> xxxxx
> xxxxxThe state indeed changes from "n" to "c" in the "R" column in the
> xxxxxregister account page. However, the problem is that after ticking
> xxxxxtransactions in the Reconcile dialog box, postponing, and then
> xxxxxreopening the Reconcile dialog box, the transactions appear as NON
> xxxxxticked.
> xxxxxSo you have no indication of what is already reconciled once you are
> xxxxxresuming the reconciliation.
> xxxxxThis happens only for some of the newer transactions (for earlier
> xxxxxtransactions the ticked state is preserved when resuming the
> xxxxxreconciliation). Therefore I suspect that this has something to do with
> xxxxxthe new import or with the growing list of transactions.
> xxxxx
> xxxxx
> xxxxxOn another note, you mentioned that: "The OFX importer will mark
> xxxxxduplicate/matched transactions as cleared".
> xxxxxWhat does "duplicate/matched" mean?
> xxxxxI noticed that if you import two files with overlapping transactions
> xxxxx(e.g. a file with transactions for the months of October/November and a
> xxxxxfile with transactions for the months of November/December) then
> xxxxxduplicate transactions are handled correctly (i.e. do not show up
> xxxxxtwice)
> xxxxx
> xxxxxI have experienced this problem with Gnucash 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 on Windows
> xxxxxXP and Windows Vista
> xxxxx
> xxxxxRegards,
> xxxxxAvi
> xxxxx
> xxxxx
> xxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx-----Original Message-----
> xxxxxxxxxxFrom: Derek Atkins [mailto:warlord at MIT.EDU]
> xxxxxxxxxxSent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 7:55 AM
> xxxxxxxxxxTo: Avner
> xxxxxxxxxxCc: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> xxxxxxxxxxSubject: Re: Reconciliation problem - State of transaction as
> xxxxxxxxxxreconciled is not preserved.
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxHi,
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxQuoting Avner <avner-moshkovitz at shaw.ca>:
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx> Hello,
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> I have a problem with reconciling transactions on my credit card
> xxxxxxxxxxaccount.
> xxxxxxxxxx> After importing new transactions into gnucash, the reconciled
> xxxxxstate
> xxxxxxxxxxof the
> xxxxxxxxxx> new transactions is not preserved.
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> I downloaded a new period of credit card transactions from the
> xxxxxcredit
> xxxxxxxxxxcard
> xxxxxxxxxx> online banking site and imported it into my gnucash data file.
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> I reconcile some of the new transactions, choose Postpone, save
> xxxxxthe
> xxxxxxxxxxdata to
> xxxxxxxxxx> file and exit gnucash.
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> After reopening the gnucash application, the transactions show
> xxxxxup as
> xxxxxxxxxxnot
> xxxxxxxxxx> reconciled.
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> I have tried doing the same for transactions from a previous
> xxxxximport
> xxxxxxxxxx> successfully, i.e. the reconciled state is preserved
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> I suspect that this have to do with gnucash handling growing
> xxxxxamount
> xxxxxxxxxxof
> xxxxxxxxxx> transactions.
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> Alternatively this may be related to multiple importing. I'm
> xxxxxusing
> xxxxxxxxxxGnucash
> xxxxxxxxxx> 2.2.7 I have also tried version 2.2.8 with no success
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> Thanks,
> xxxxxxxxxx>
> xxxxxxxxxx> Avi
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxWhen you Postpone the reconciliation it will NOT mark the
> xxxxxtransactions
> xxxxxxxxxxas RECONCILED (y).  However, it SHOULD mark the items as Cleared
> xxxxx(c).
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxThe QIF importer doesn't touch the reconciliation bits at all.
> xxxxxxxxxxThe OFX importer will mark duplicate/matched transactions as
> xxxxxcleared.
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> xxxxxxxxxx> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx-derek
> xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx--
> xxxxxxxxxx       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> xxxxxxxxxx       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
> xxxxxxxxxx       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
> xxxxxxxxxx       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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