OFX Direct Connect Setup Question

David Reiser dbreiser at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 5 09:19:02 EST 2008

On Feb 4, 2008, at 4:45 PM, yetanother wrote:

> I followed
> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/ 
> Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2 the
> directions on the wiki  and the AqBanking Set-up Wizard for setting  
> up a
> connection and have a question.
> Question 1: Does every bank server support "Account List Download"?
> After setting up the basic information for a User that would connect  
> to my
> bank, I checked "Supports Account List Download" and tried to "Get
> Accounts", which resulted in the following log:
> 13:01:30 Resolving hostname "secure-keypointcu.com" ...
> 13:01:30 IP address is 99.999.999.999
> 13:01:30 Creating HTTPS connection
> 13:01:30 Connecting...
> 13:01:33 Sending request...
> 13:01:33 Waiting for response...
> 13:01:33 Parsing response...
> 13:01:33 Disconnecting...
> 13:01:33 Parsing response
> 13:01:33 Finished. You may close this window.
> It appears that the connection was fine, just that no Account List was
> provided.
> Question 2: Is there some problem I should be trying to fix at this  
> point?
> Question 3: If not, and I need to manually set up Accounts is there  
> any
> documentation on this?  The wiki doesn't have it and my initial  
> effort isn't
> working.
> [I'm using GnuCash 2.2.3 on a Windows 2000 system.]
> -- 

There may be a problem you're trying to solve, but it would take a  
look at the ofx data stream to see. On a unix system, you would set  
AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1 and then look at /tmp/ofx.log after one of your  
attempts to see if there was an error reported.

I don't know how to either set the variable on windows or what /tmp  
turns into in the windows environment.

Also, you probably don't want to leave the variable set, because the  
data stream and the log will contain your username and password for  
the account.

The reason I didn't write up any manual account setup for the wizard  
is that there are a couple options that seem strange to me, and the  
account list retrieval has generally worked for me. One thing that  
might be not working is that some institutions don't pass complete  
account numbers -- at least one credit card issuer I have uses  
xxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyy where only the y's are numbers. If something you set  
in the account list doesn't match what the bank sends, then you won't  
get any data back.

David Reiser
dbreiser at earthlink.net

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