Scheduled Transaction Editor

Josh Sled jsled at
Sat Feb 16 15:10:46 EST 2008

Richard Ullger <rullger at> writes:
> I viewed the editor on 16/02/08. In the Transactions section the next 
> scheduled transaction is on 18/02/08 followed by 20, 22 & 24/02/08. 
> However, the Upcoming section displays the first calendar month as March 
> even if the View drop down list is set to one month.

Yes, there's a bug regarding the agreement of the calendar with the upcoming
transactions.  <>.

> When you hover the mouse pointer over the right-most column of dates, 
> half of the transaction pop-up list is off the right hand side of the 
> screen.

Ah, could you please file a bug for this?

> When you create a scheduled transaction by right-clicking a transaction 
> you get the basic Make Scheduled Transaction window. The options 
> available in the Frequency drop-down list are Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, 
> Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly. However, if you click on the Advanced 
> button and the Frequency tab or access the scheduled transaction editor 
> from the menu Actions->Scheduled Transactions, the options in the 
> Frequency drop-down list are None, Once, Daily, Weekly, Semi-Monthly and 
> Monthly.

Could you please file a bug for this, as well?  I guess I didn't maintain
parity in the options list between the two dialogs.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
-------------- next part --------------
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