Balancing a budget

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Jan 8 13:03:21 EST 2008

Fabrice Gautier wrote:

>I'm wondering if there is a way to generate a balanced budget.
>For example, how can I make sure that my total budgets expenses, and
>my total budgeted incomes are balanced ?
What do you mean by this? A "budget" is normally a projection of income 
and expenses which can have a negative balance (aka "deficit budget"), a 
positive balance, or have a zero net balance (aka "balanced budget"). If 
your requirement is for a "balanced budget" then YOU have to adjust your 
projected income and expense amounts to make it so. That beginning with 
the amounts and finding out that you have a problem (deficit expected) 
or joy (excess projected) is what budgeting is for -- a PLANNING device.

Understand? If you don't have any amounts that can be adjusted 
(discretionary spending) then a deficit means you have a financial 
problem. No automated system can make the HUMAN decision which 
income/expense items are cast in stone and which you can adjust if 
necessary. No software can do this for you.


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