Gnucash reporting gone bad...

Ken Corbin kencx at
Thu Jun 12 01:43:51 EDT 2008

Something bad happened on May 21 that I only discovered when I tried to run my 
EOM reports this week.  While everything looks just fine in the transaction 
register, a lot of transactions, but not all of them, are no longer appearing 
in Cash Flow reports.  Balance sheet reports appear to show all accounts with 
their correct balances, but a new entry under Equity -> Retained Losses has 
appeared which appears to contain the sum total of all of my missing 

Exactly what happened on May 21st is conjecture.  Sometime around then, I 
noticed a new cool "Close Books" menu item and pressed it, which brought up a 
dialog box warning that this was an experimental feature that would corrupt 
my database, which I promptly cancelled.  The conjecture is that this feature 
did in fact corrupt my database even before is displayed that warning 
message, which would not be good.  Or that may just be a coincidence.

This is running a fairly old version of gnucash (2.2.0).  There is a 
precompiled RPM of 2.2.4 for openSUSE that I will try installing, but haven't 
gotten it yet.  Installing the 2.2.5 version for a different distribution 
might get me in trouble.

I do have backups, but manually entering everything that has been done since 
May 21st is not an appealing option.  If a quick and easy fix doesn't pop up, 
I will be looking at trying to export transactions from one database to a new 
restored one.  If that works, I would like to think about using that 
technique to create a new database that only has data going back to the start 
of this year.  This database now holds 8+ years of transaction data and it is 
getting very large and unwieldy.  I really need to clean out old information 
somehow, which is why I was interested in the new close books feature.

Hope someone can help fix this.

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