Fixed format cashflow report

Gref Fenstette greffenstette at
Mon Jun 30 12:56:21 EDT 2008


First at all, thank you for the quick answer.

Your solution would be perfect. That's exactly what I need, in fact,  I use that solution for my result forecast, with the report called "Income Statement" . Nevertheless, you don't have that option in the "cash flow" report or at least I couldn't find it in v 2.2.4 (r16997)  Am I wrong?

Best regards,

> Hi,
> Gref Fenstette  
>> Hi,
>> Monthly, I try to manage my cashflow forecast with a spreadsheet. In this spreadsheet I have real data (for past months) and foreseen data (for future months). Every month, I update the real data (and replace foreseen data for real data) writing down all the movements extracted from the monthly gnucash casflow report, through a tedious process of copy & paste. And I'd like to improve this source of mistakes and pain :)
>> Do you know how I could create a fixed format cashflow report? If I could create a cashflow report with the same rows and columns for every month, easily I could link these reports with the suitable cells in my spreadsheet.
> You could modify the existing cash flow report to always include all
> accounts, even those of 0 value.  There may already even be a report
> option in the current report for that.  Did you look?
>> I'm looking forward hearing from you.
>> Best regards,
>> Gref.
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> -derek
> -- 
>        Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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