Reinstall Fink?

David Reiser dbreiser at
Sun Mar 2 21:24:58 EST 2008

On Mar 2, 2008, at 6:34 PM, ThreeDot wrote:

> After upgrading to OS X 10.5 last fall I installed MacPorts so that  
> I could
> build and manage GnuCash. I never got it running and eventually  
> switched
> over to Fink. I recently removed MacPorts and now Fink no longer runs.

  Precisely what happens if you try 'fink selfupdate'? The fink-users  
mailing list is probably the best bet on this one, since there are  
many more people there that know fink's internals a lot better than I  

> Is
> there a cross dependancy that I may have deleted when uninstalling  
> MacPorts?

Probably. The first install of fink may have used some libraries that  
had been built in MacPorts. When you removed Macports, those libraries  
went away, and fink can no longer use them either. It is possible to  
use both fink and macports without entanglement, but neither system's  
default setup will let you succeed without problems.

> I tried to reinstall Fink but it insists that I delete /sw or  
> install in
> /sw2.
> Does anyone know how I can get my original install of Fink running  
> again or
> reinstall it without having to rebuild GnuCash?

I think you don't want to reinstall, because that usually means that  
you're ok with blowing the last incarnation away. You could try  
renaming /sw, installing a new version, and then moving pieces of the  
old directory structure over to the new /sw. But that has some of its  
own risks.
> Thanks,
> ThreeDot

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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