Problems getting quotes for funds

Richard Ullger rullger at
Wed Mar 12 20:32:36 EDT 2008

Hi Dave,

I've reverted to the original and applied the changes in the 
diff. I notice that there is no change to

@FIELD_ENCODING = qw/s n l1 d1 t1 c1 p2 v b a p o m w e r r1 d y j1 q a2 

Behaviour has reverted back to the original problem where gnucash is 
displaying the error 'unable to retrieve quotes for these items:' and 
lists the fund symbols.

gnc-fq-dump produces the following output:

C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin>perl -w gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe HSBA.L
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
     symbol: HSBA.L               <=== required
       date: 03/12/2008           <=== required
   currency: GBP                  <=== required
       last: 7.955                <=\
        nav:                      <=== one of these
      price: 7.955                <=/
   timezone:                      <=== optional

C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin>perl -w gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe 

No results found for stock GB0031860934GBP, but results were returned for
the stock(s) GB0031860934.L.  Printing data for the first stock returned.

Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
     symbol: GB0031860934GBP      <=== required
       date: 03/11/2008           <=== required
   currency: GBP                  <=== required
       last: 5.2034               <=\
        nav:                      <=== one of these
      price: 5.2034               <=/
   timezone:                      <=== optional

However, on closer inspection, replacing the GBP at the end of the 
symbol with .L is what's causing the latest problem. I applied a further 
change to so that $exchange still gets set but leaves $symbol 
intact with GBP at the end. This fixes the problem and gnucash is then 
able to load the fund quotes.

In the absence of a diff command in xp (that I know of) the change I 
applied is:

			my $symbol = $q[0];

#			$symbol =~ s/GBP$/.L/;
#			my ($exchange) = $symbol =~ m/\.([A-Z]+)/;

			my ($symboltmp) = $symbol;
			$symboltmp =~ s/GBP$/.L/;
			my ($exchange) = $symboltmp =~ m/\.([A-Z]+)/;

			# Strip out suffixes.  Mmmm, functions as lvalues.

No change is required to the @FIELD_ENCODING line.

This then gives the gnc-fq-dump output:

C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin>perl -w gnc-fq-dump yahoo_europe 
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
     symbol: GB0031860934GBP      <=== required
       date: 03/11/2008           <=== required
   currency: GBP                  <=== required
       last: 5.2034               <=\
        nav:                      <=== one of these
      price: 5.2034               <=/
   timezone:                      <=== optional

Thanks for your help.



David Reiser wrote:
> On Mar 12, 2008, at 4:39 PM, David Reiser wrote:
>> Does two ugly hacks equal a fix?
>> When I sent out the first hack, I assumed that success of gnc-fq- 
>> dump = success for Get Quotes inside gnucash. Oops. It turns out  
>> that gnucash wasn't totally silent, just mumbling in the background  
>> about no currency being assigned. When I accommodated   
>> yahoo_europe's new timespec field, I didn't bother matching the  
>> number of elements in  @FIELDS and @FIELD_ENCODING lists. gnc-fq- 
>> dump didn't have a problem with that, but gnucash does. My second  
>> hack is just to add a second request for currency at the end of the  
>> encoding list. I have tested this inside gnucash, and it does work  
>> for European funds identified by isin.
>> REMEMBER: this hack definitely breaks Yahoo US (and most likely  
>> Yahoo Asia and Australia too). But if you can get all the rest of  
>> your quotes from either Yahoo_Europe or non-Yahoo sources, then it  
>> can retrieve quotes for isin identified funds. Instead of MFEXPG.L,  
>> you'll have to enter GB0003243465GBP as the 'ticker'.
>> This 'fix' is still ugly almost beyond belief, but it might be  
>> useful to some. There is a different patch in the Finance-Quote bug  
>> tracker, but it breaks non-European Yahoos as well.
>> Dave
>> <yahoofix.diff>
> Rats. That isn't enough either. At this point, it looks like the  
> finance-quote bug tracker patch
> is a better bet than my attempts.
> The latest problem being that quotes in pence aren't trapped and  
> converted to pounds.
> Dave
> --
> David Reiser
> dbreiser at
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