Easiest way to Gnucash 2.x on a mac?

Rich Talley rbtalley at unm.edu
Fri Mar 21 13:32:55 EDT 2008


You might find this discussion at macosxhints to be of use:

A simple way to open files in X11 applications

I've installed gnucash 2.2.4 on OS X 10.4.11 using Fink with no trouble.
It's not entirely well behaved. The docs (which I also installed with Fink)
don't display - something about a missing CSS file. I haven't bothered to
figure that one out; I just use the online docs.

Also, the splash screen for gnucash leaks into other windows and gnucash
doesn't use the OS X clipboard the way other X11 apps (e.g. XEmacs) do. I
understand that GTK+2 is still a work in progress, esp. on OS X, so I expect
things to get better with time. In the meantime, gnucash is quite usable and
I don't have to worry about which platform (OS X, Windows, Linux) I might be
using in a few years.


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:56 AM, David Reiser <dbreiser at earthlink.net>

> The macports gnucash package has been without a maintainer for a few
> months. And there have been some guile and slib problems lately.
> Someone on gnucash irc indicated he's taking over the macports port,
> so maybe it's functioning well.
> The downside of fink at the moment is the initial install of fink on a
> system 10.5 machine is via source bootstrap. Also, some of the gnome
> dependencies are getting long in the tooth there. But 'fink install
> gnucash2' will get you gnucash 2.2.4. (I'm the fink gnucash maintainer.)
> I don't know of a way to associate file extensions with an x11 app,
> but there may well be one.
> Dave
> On Mar 21, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Beth Leonard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My babysitting co-op has started using GnuCash to track babysitting
> > points.  (We used to do double-entry by hand!)
> >
> > Now the first secretary to own a Mac is coming up on her term, and
> > I need to help her with the installation process.  I'm looking at
> > the Wiki page: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSXInstallation
> >
> > Based on the discussion there, it looks like the best thing is to
> > recommend to her that she use MacPorts, discussed at:
> > http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/MacOSX/MacPortsDetail
> >
> > Before I try to walk someone through the installation process who
> > has trouble with the concept "Make a separate folder to put the
> > data file in" I'd like to ask the list if this is the easiest and most
> > up-to-date path to getting GnuCash 2.x running on a macintosh.
> >
> > Also, on a macintosh is there a way to associate the GnuCash program
> > with a file type, so that double-clicking on the .gnc file will bring
> > up GnuCash without having to open a terminal window and type it?
> >
> > (I'm a linux user myself, but I did test out the windows installation
> > before moving the co-op over to a computerized method of tracking
> > points.)
> >
> > Thanks!
> > --Beth
> > Beth Leonard
> > http://www.LeonardFamilyVideos.com
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> David Reiser
> dbreiser at earthlink.net
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