Reconciliation window: closing balance distorted and reconciliation date

Elizabeth Dodd edodd at
Fri May 2 16:54:06 EDT 2008

On Fri, 2 May 2008, Maf. King wrote:
> I see exactly what you are doing, and understand your reasoning, but if I
> may make a suggestion -  don't reconcile your tax liability account every
> day (or data-entry day/week/whatever) - do it only when the final total for
> the month is known, then you should end up at 0.00 in the account - unless
> you have an error!  (I do this for my expenses claimed from my business, so
> I can see easily what is outstanding. )

I can't actually make mine zero as the tax office here only accepts whole 
dollar transactions. Ours have to be rounded up and down to the nearest 
So I use a method which is similar to Maf's in which I add in the needed 
values at then end of the (three month) accounting period. 
I'm pointing this out because an automated system as described by Jannick 
would have to zero the balances, and cannot suit all cases.

Nick the Greek's Law of Life:
	All things considered, life is 9 to 5 against.

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