Anoying *missing feature*: default invoice terms preference

Robert Heller heller at
Tue May 6 15:12:18 EDT 2008

At Tue, 06 May 2008 14:35:57 -0400 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Hi,
> Quoting Robert Heller <heller at>:
> > I have a feature request.  Should be easy.
> >
> > I'd like to see a preference setting for default invoice terms.  Right
> > now (at least with 2.0.5, yes I know I need to upgrade my system to
> > CentOS 5 someday), the invoice terms defaults to 'None'.  I have to
> > keep remembering to set this everytime I create a new customer and if I
> > forget to set things for the customer, I need to remember to set it
> > when I create an invoice.  I have a whole pile of 'dead' invoices...
> What do you mean by "a whole pile of dead invoices"?  You DO realize
> that you can click on the "Edit" button to go change that setting,
> right?

No, I didn't know that! It seems non-intutive to go to the Edit menu
to edit something like that. At least to me. Still, there really
should be a preferences setting to set the default behaviour.  I
suspect that many/most business do 'Net 30 days' terms most (all?) of the
time.  Having to set this *every* time you create a customer and/or an
invoice is both error prone and a waste of time.  

> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

Robert Heller             -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software        -- Linux Installation and Administration  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at       -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk

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