Anoying *missing feature*: default invoice terms preference

Robert Heller heller at
Wed May 7 17:42:20 EDT 2008

At Wed, 07 May 2008 10:09:03 -0400 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Robert Heller <heller at> writes:
> >> What do you mean by "a whole pile of dead invoices"?  You DO realize
> >> that you can click on the "Edit" button to go change that setting,
> >> right?
> >
> > No, I didn't know that! It seems non-intutive to go to the Edit menu
> > to edit something like that. At least to me. Still, there really
> Why is it non-intuitive?  You want to edit the configuration of the
> Invoice Metadata (e.g. the Invoice ID, Customer, Date, Job, Bill Terms,
> etc).  All the information that's on the "create invoice" page is
> re-editable via the "Edit Invoice" page.

I can't really say why it is non-intuitive to me per se.  I guess I am
very old school.  Never used MS-Windows at all. I learned 'GUI' first
on VaxStations under DecWindows (== DEC-branded Motif, indluding MWM). 
Then moved to DecStations, also running DecWindows (Motif again).  I am
very used to what most people would consider a very primitive
'desktop', one that totally lacks anything like what 'modern' desktop
have and in turn, I find a 'modern' Gnome desktop confusing / baffling.
I am not really much of a point-and-click jocky -- I am a hard core
CLI person.

> I believe this is also in the documentation.

I'm a programmer.  I don't read *application* documentation :-).  I just
fire up the command and start using the program.  (Well maybe I'll type
'man whatever' first.)

> > should be a preferences setting to set the default behaviour.  I
> > suspect that many/most business do 'Net 30 days' terms most (all?) of the
> > time.  Having to set this *every* time you create a customer and/or an
> > invoice is both error prone and a waste of time.  
> Yes, the Invoice should set the Billterms to the Customer's default
> when you select the customer.  I don't see a bug report for this so
> feel free to add one.

I don't remember it I actually encountered a problem with this.

> No, there's no file-wide "default bill term".  That would be an
> enhancement request and should be filed separately from the
> aforementioned bug report on setting the Invoice Billterms.

OK, I guess I'll visit the web site and point and click my way to the
enhancement request and file such an enhancement...

> >> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> >> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

Robert Heller             -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
Deepwoods Software        -- Linux Installation and Administration  -- Web Hosting, with CGI and Database
heller at       -- Contract Programming: C/C++, Tcl/Tk

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