Thanks for the help - now about importing

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu May 8 09:42:14 EDT 2008


Quoting Matt Burkhardt <mlb at>:

>> > > Quoting Matt Burkhardt <mlb at>:
>> > > > I'm trying to get a fairly large checking register in from Quicken.
>> > > > I'm just pulling in from 1/1/2007 to present, but I can't get the
>> > > > reconciliation to work.
>> > > >
>> > > > For example, I had a starting balance of $164 - which I put in when I
>> > > > create the account and then point the QIF file to load it into there.
>> > > > I then try and do a reconcile and it says that I have a beginning
>> > > > balance of -$2,500, so it will never let me reconcile.  How do I fix
>> > > > this?
>> > >
>> > > So you're saying that on 12/31/2006 you had $164 in the account?
>> >
>> > Yes
>> >
>> > > What are you putting as your reconcile date and the ending balance
>> > > at that date?
>> >
>> > I've tried 1/23/2007 - which is the date of my checking statement with
>> > the amount shown (about $200) and I've also tried 1/1/2007 with $164 as
>> > the ending balance.  But both give me that huge negative amount as the
>> > starting balance.
>> >
>> Hi,
>> What happens if you ignore the starting balance?
>> Can you get the ending balance to be correct?
>> (it has been said on this list before, that the starting balance can 
>> be safely
>> ignored in the reconcile dialog - only the end is important.)
>> HTH,
>> Maf.
> For example, I'm starting with $100 in my account, I write a $50 check
> and deposit $75 in during the course of the month.  If the software is
> telling me my starting balance is -$125, I tell it the ending balance is
> $125, I need a $225 deposit to get it to agree which would be bogus.  Is
> that how I do it?  Otherwise, you're never allowed to hit the "Finish"
> button on the reconcile panel.

listening to this I think you're not giving the full story.  The only
way that Gnucash would think you have a starting balance of -125 is if
you already ran the reconciliation process, or somehow transactions got
marked as "reconciled".

I think it's time to ask for screen shots.  Can you show screen shots

1) The account register, showing all the beginning transactions
2) The reconcile setup dialog, showing what you're inputting, and
3) The reconcile window, showing what transactions are available to you.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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